Purchasable Resources
Purchasable Resources
Many of the copyrighted resources within the Harvest Companion are used with the permission of the respective owners of the material. Our agreements with the owners of the material limit the use of the resources to the Harvest Companion footprint.
Each of the photos below are links that will take you to the websites where you can purchase hard copies of those resources.
Bible Studies
Into His Marvelous Light
This Bible Study has been developed as a one-hour study, and is effective for first-time introductions to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Calling On The Name Of The Lord
This Study is effective on its own, or as a supplement to the Into His Marvelous Light study. It definitively answers new convert’s questions about the calling of the Name of the Lord in Baptism.
Do All Speak With Tongues?
This Study examines whether or not all who receive the Holy Ghost will speak with tongues upon receiving the infilling of God’s Spirit. It is also a great supplement to the Into His Marvelous Light Study.
A Place Prepared For You
Looking for a Bible Study that you can READ to a prospect? You can do that with this study – generally in 20 minutes or less. It is suggested that you end this Study with questions from attendants.
The Seven Steps Of Salvation
Are you in a conversation with someone who says that we are saved by Grace alone? This study focuses on the “means of Grace” that are exercised in Salvation, and will clearly show how Grace leads to an Acts 2:38 experience. The link to the left is to the email where you can request copies from the author.
Water Baptism In Scripture
This study is a thorough research paper on baptism throughout the Bible and in the historical references shown in noted papers and documents written by historians.
Following The Pattern
Want a methodical Study that demonstrates thoroughly God’s redemptive plan for man? This is your study. The author sets out a pattern of God’s plan for man throughout scripture, then connects those patterns to the New Testament plan of Salvation.
Search For Truth 1
A standard-bearer in discipleship, this course is also helpful in leading prospective new converts to an understanding of their need for Salvation. We recommend Search For Truth 1, as we prefer how the Doctrine of the Oneness of God is described therein.